



"Die Stiftung Deutscher Polleninformationsdienst erklärt, mit den Zielen der Kanert-Stiftung und dem durch diese Stiftung vergebenen Kanert-Preis in Übereinstimmung zu stehen. Wir, der PID, unterstützen die Kanert-Stiftung in ihrem Bemühen um Fortschritte in der...

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Changes to Airborne Pollen Counts across Europe


AbstractA progressive global increase in the burden of allergic diseases has affected the industrialized world over the last half century and has been reported in the literature. The clinical evidence reveals a general increase in both incidence and prevalence of...

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Meteorological conditions, climate change, new emerging factors, and asthma and related allergic disorders.


A statement of the World Allergy Organization Abstract The prevalence of allergic airway diseases such as asthma and rhinitis has increased dramatically to epidemic proportions worldwide. Besides air pollution from industry derived emissions and motor vehicles, the...

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Anläßlich der Klimakonferenz in Paris erklärt der PID seine Unterstützung der WHO-Aktion


WHO calls for urgent action to protect health from climate change – Sign the call “The evidence is overwhelming: climate change endangers human health. Solutions exist and we need to act decisively to change this trajectory." Dr Margaret Chan, WHO...

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Der PID erklärt seine Übereinstimmung mit den Zielen der Doctors for climate action.


11 January 2015: Thank you from Doctors for Climate Action Dear Supporter, Thank you for taking action on the health impacts of climate change as part of the Doctors for Climate Action campaign.Your call to world leaders to act on climate change for the good of human...

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Finden Sie ab sofort Aktuelles, Einladungen zu Veranstaltungen, Interessantes und Wissenswertes rund um das Thema Pollen, Pollenallergie und Pollenvorhersage, sowie Fotos von Konferenzen, Symposien und öffentlichen Veranstaltungen auf der offiziellen Facebook-Seite der...

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