
PID informs: World Allergy Week 2016 from 4-10 April 2016

The World Allergy Organization, together with many of its 97 national member societies, will address the theme of “Pollen Allergies – Adapting to a Changing Climate” during World Allergy Week 2016. Activities will take place from 4 to 10 April 2016 around the world.

World Allergy Week is an annual initiative of the World Allergy Organization (WAO), together with its Member Societies, to raise awareness of allergic disease and related disorders and advocate for the provision of training and resources in the diagnosis, management, and prevention of these diseases and asthma, which are rising in prevalence around the world.

WAO established the initiative with the vision of bringing together multiple stakeholder groups including physicians, medical educators, patient advocates, policy makers, the general public, and health care authorities for an integrated approach to addressing the needs of patients who suffer from allergic diseases and asthma and those who provide care for them.

Historically, WAO hosted “World Allergy Day," in association with the biennial World Allergy Congress, beginning with the first event in July 2005. After recommendations from WAO Member Societies and other associates of WAO to expand the scope and timeline of World Allergy Day so as to facilitate wider participation around the world, the WAO Board of Directors approved the establishment of World Allergy Week in 2011.

There are many ways to get involved. Each year WAO receives stories, audio and video recordings, photographs and press releases from the many programs and activities that take place locally, nationally and regionally due to the innovative planning of participating individuals and organizations. Many of these reports are archived on this website.

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